Tuesday 17 April 2007

Xango Migraine Testimonials

1/9/2007 -- Cheryl from Florida
I have suffered with migraines for over 20 years. Having discovered mangosteen juice 2 and 1/2 years ago I no longer suffer from them. I just drink 4 ounces a day.
11/22/2006 -- Dustin from Wisconsin
After taking 4 ounces of mangosteen juice a day for 1 month I stopped having panic attacks and depression. That was over two years ago. My wife also stopped having migraine headaches. I love this stuff!
10/30/2006 -- Valerie from Hawaii
I've had migraines for 30 years and since menopause have had headaches over half the month and sometimes more often than that. I have tried everything: accupunture, massage, feverfew, tylenol, and then finally heavy duty drugs like Imitrex and Fiorinol. I was also taking Atenolol daily to help prevent them, but they continued. I was depressed, angry and hurting most of the time. I felt so blessed when I'd have a good day without a headache. When I did have one Imitrex didn't always work and even if it did, the drug made me feel sick and listless. When I took a couple ounces of mangosteen juice, I was convinced it wouldn't do a thing, but boy was I wrong. I didn't have a migraine for two weeks! That had never happened. I was blown away and now I take about 4-6 ounces everyday. If I forget or take too little, I might get a headache but they are very mild now. I feel like I am living in a new body.
5/29/2006 -- Jamie from Canada
migraines, vertigo, fibromyalgia, unexplained and undiagnosed chest pains, menopausal symptoms and hiatus hernia - All of the symptoms of these troubles have completely disappeared in my life. I haven’t had a migraine in over 4 months - My fibro pain is under control, chest pains disappeared and I no longer suffer from the hiatus hernia...This juice has changed my life so drastically. I went from taking 5-6 different medications to NOTHING. My husband's 20+ year battle with eczema on his torso and limbs has disapeared after applying it directly on his skin as well as drinking it.
4/28/2006 -- Sue from Colorado
My husband and I have been drinking the mangosteen juice for six months now. I have seen my cholesterol drop 93 points! I also have lower thyroid and blood pressure counts. Those medications have been cut in half and I hope to one day be completely off of them. I had been having almost daily headaches, just about every kind, including migraine, and had been on different medications for several years. Now I very rarely have a (mild) headache, but take no medication for it. I have also quit my sinus and allergy medications, as well as the daily 600 mg Ibuprofen I had been taking for years for my arthritis. The eczema I've had on my right leg for over two years,(red, itching lesions), is clearing up, as is the toe nail fungus, and I've noticed improvement in my varicose veins. My husband took Claritin for sinus problems and also another allergy medication for over four years and it was getting to where they weren't helping him very much. In less than one month he quit both medications! Also, his dizziness is gone. Now he can breathe easier, his nasal passages stay clear and he feels much better. Before starting on the mangosteen juice, he was taking 600 mg Ibuprofen daily for arthritis pain. Now he rarely ever takes one. His cholesterol and thyroid numbers have dropped and he has more energy.
4/23/2006 -- Lora from California
I have fibromyalgia but I can’t tell it now. I was at a point in 2005 where I could barely move off the couch. I had chronic fatigue, my muscles burned, I had migraines daily, swollen hands an feet, insomnia so I couldn’t rest for more than and hour and a half. I also had painful IBS and UTI’s and lived on 12 different medications. I began the juice one afternoon and within ½ hour my 4 day old migraine had disappeared and has never come back. When I woke up the next morning for the 1st time in months my back didn’t hurt and my hands were not swollen. When I stood up my feet didn’t hurt with the stabbing needles that had been there before. The inflammation had begun to disappear. I began sleeping through the night and got an amazing amount of energy as well. I had been dehydrated and cold all the time. Now my skin has changed and my body temp is back to normal. I can mow my own lawn again and run up the steps.
2/8/2006 -- Shawna from Oregon
I am 29 years old and before taking mangosteen juice I felt like I wanted it mostly for preventitive purposes but I had some minor health problems. I suffered from low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) with severe migraines at times, I also had some severe knee pain and after having a baby was in March I became very overweight. I started taking mangosteen juice the beginning of December 2005. At first I did not notice any major changes, but within two weeks, I began to notice an increase in my energy level. I also started to realize that my blood sugar was level and I didn't have any headaches since using the juice. Also my knee pain which had prevented me from being able to kneel down at all was now totally gone! Best of all, I stood on a scale at Christmas and was so surprised, I had lost ten whole pounds since taking the juice and was fitting back into my old jeans! I believe in the health benefits of mangosteen juice and will not be without it.
11/21/2005 -- Margaret from Texas
I have been drinking 2 ounces twice a day for 2 months. The first 2 weeks I noticed increased stamina and endurance with my exercise regimen. I am no longer experiencing joint pain with mobility. I also have the classic migraine headache which are brought on by some kind of sudden or sustained stress. About a week ago, I experienced a migraine. It started with the classic visual disturbance/wavy line. Once the vision cleared then a severe headache and nausea began. I usually take about 800mg Ibuprofen when the it first start in order to continue functioning. Since starting mangosteen juice I no longer take OTC meds or vitamins. So when I got home I immediately took 2 ounces. Within about 30 minutes the migraine had subsided and I was able to eat something and watch TV. I stayed up for another couple of hours and went to bed. When I awakened the next morning I had no residual effect from the migraine. I was amazed.
8/30/2005 -- Dave from Tennessee
I have been using mangosteen juice now for 4 weeks now and I don't get migraine headaches like I did before. My wife suffers from chronic sinus headaches and is using over the counter meds only once or twice a week now. All we do is drink 2 oz's a day
-- Edwin from California
I was hospitalized with Leukemia July 3, 2003 for 10 days and received 8 pints of blood. The doctor told me that I was 2 to 4 weeks from being dead. I had lost 80 % of my red blood cell count. I also told him that I went through the chemotherapy and did not want to go through that again. I told him that because of my immune system being messed up my Hepatitis C activated. The treatment for Hepatitis C is a shot of Inter Ferrion once a week and a chemo pill every day. The shot costs $160 per shot. That would have lasted for 48 weeks. I did not want to do that. I looked for alternatives. Dr. DeGuzman instructed me to take 2 ounces 3 times a day. I started taking mangosteen juice on May 1, 2004. I had 4 lesions in my spleen and 3 lesions in my liver. The lesions were from the Leukemia. I also had 2 nodules under my right armpit and 1 under my left armpit. The side affects of Hepatitis C is that I it felt like I had the flu 24 hours a day. All of my joints ached, I had a fever all the time, my eyes always felt hot, I would have at least two migraines a week and I always had this feeling that I had a cotton ball in my ear .I also had a viral load count of 270,000. I had no energy. I was always asleep by 9pm. I took 2,500mg of Tylenol just to try to feel better. Of course I did not think about the side affects of the Tylenol. After two weeks of taking mangosteen juice all my symptoms were gone. My energy level was back to how I felt 3 years ago. On May 14th I went for a CAT scan and blood test. I am pleased to say that the nodules that were under my armpits are gone. All 4 lesions in my spleen were gone. There is only one lesion remaining in my liver. My viral load count has gone down to 140,000.
-- Brett from
I used to get three to four severe migraines a month. I've been getting these since I was around 10 years old. These were the full-blown aura and vomit inducing kind. Some would last for days. I've been to many doctors and nobody has a definite answer to it. The only answer that all of them had has been to prescribe some medication and that was that. I have grown up watching my mother suffer from these same migraines. She is frequently in the hospital emergency room or self-inducing Imitrex shots. I decided a long time ago that I would not take medications. They are not the solution. Two months ago I was told about a product called Mangosteen Juice. Ever since then I NOR my mother have had a single episode.
-- S. from
I have suffered with migraines most of my life and since I have such extreme adverse reactions to all medications this has been a challenge for me. I had been told Mangosteen Juice would help migraines and I thought this could be a good test for me. I immediately took 1 to 2 ounces of the juice and within 15 minutes the pain was completely gone. Also, to my surprise the nausea feeling, which usually lingers for a day or so, was gone as well. As the day progressed I had a high level of energy, which I never have had before with a migraine. I am usually wiped out for a few days even after I get control of the pain. What a thrill this is to me. I am excited to know I have found something natural and healthy with no adverse side effects that I feel will eliminate my migraines!
-- Cheryl from South Carolina
Hello! I ordered my first bottle one week ago and noticed a difference in my energy level within an hour after my first 3 ounces. It not only tasted great but I had energy to spare! In the past I have suffered migraine headaches that often lasted 2 days. This morning I awoke with the familiar shoulder and neck pain that always results one of these for me. So I filled a 3 oz juice glass and drank it about 15 min before my breakfast. Within the hour my shoulder and neck pain were completely gone! I have NO headache!
-- Kelly from
In 1998 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. From that day on, life became extremely difficult. I became a walking pharmacy -- taking pills to help with symptoms, other pills to help with the others side effects, numerous pain pills of different strengths and types, hormone replacement, and several steroids. Would I ever get my life back? I really didn't think I would. One of the worst things about going through the surgery and treatment was that I started getting horrible migraines. migraines that would send me to the ER over and over again ... migraines that would leave me feeling like life wasn't worth living anymore. Over the years I had to give up certain things in my life in order to wishfully avoid migraines. I couldn't eat chocolate, sleep too much or too little, prayed heavily before my menstrual cycle, etc. Life wasn't fun because I always wondered when the next migraine would hit. They got better over time .. but never went far enough away. They became a part of who I was. I had tried every avenue in current treatment without success. I later was placed into a clinical trial as a guinea pig. Sadly, I was kicked out because I suffered too many migraines. I felt such defeat! I started Mangosteen Juice on Feb 24th, 2005. Since starting Mangosteen Juice I have not had one migraine. I have not ingested one migraine pill, one pain pill; I am off the steroids and preventative pills. I even decided to test my body and started eating chocolate again. I still remain migraine free. I take 2 ounces of Mangosteen Juice in the morning and 2 ounces routinely in the evening. If I start feeling a little yucky, I will take another ounce mid day. My body tells me when I am taking enough or need more.
-- Mary from Georgia
I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease three years ago. Prior to that the only health problem that I had was migraine headaches. In the fall of 2001, my condition became much worse. I was unable to sleep more than an hour at a time and was up and down all night. I awoke each morning extremely stiff throughout my complete body. I would run hot water over my hands until I was able to actually turn the shower on to take a hot shower massage or take a hot bath. I tried everything that I could think of and anything that anyone suggested. Finally in Oct, my doctors put me on disability from work because I could not stand up straight or walk without holding onto a wall or rail. Additional medicines were added. I was now taking 13 medicines and not getting very much relief. I was taking anti-inflammatories, 2 different anti-depressants, medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, muscle relaxants, 3 different pain medications, medicine to put and keep me asleep at night and 2 different inhalers for the COPD plus migraine medicines and finally medicine to overcome the stomach problems all the other medications had caused. I thought my life, as I had always known it was over. I decided that I had to find a way to "become" myself again. Then afriend of mine sent me a bottle of mangosteen juice. After 1 month on mangosteen juice, I'm no longer taking any prescribed medication. I am pain free, my depression is gone. I sleep all night every night instead of fighting to fall asleep and waking constantly all night and I have so much energy!
-- Sandi from Arizona
26 years ago I launched a medical & surgical supply business in one of my husband's five pharmacies. Ironically, that began migraine headaches that got worse as I got older. They were consistently lasting 3 days out of every 10-12.I tried every new drug that could be prescribed, Xert, Immitrex. Fiorinal with codeine just to name a few. In Nov of 2002, I began taking this magical botanical juice that contains the entire husk pureed of Mangosteen. And over a period of about 3 months, I noticed that my headaches were becoming less frequent and less intense. Valentines day was my 1 yr anniversary with no drugs and no migraines after 25 yrs of suffering!. Just think, if this mangosteen botanical can help only 50% of people who are in pain, what a difference this can make in people's quality of life. In addition, my physician had me tested for risk of stroke and/or heart attack due to my father dying at the age of 63 with a heart attack and my C-REATIVE PROTEIN score (new biomarker) was a 7.1. The highest my physician said she had anyone of her patients ever score (obviously not a good thing!). In February, when I returned for my yearly check-up, not only were my migraines gone, but also my lab results with my C-Reactive Protein score was DOWN TO a 0.3! Now that's undisputable, scientific proof that the Xanthones in Mangosteen did what most other course of treatment would not accomplish.
-- Jennifer from
My daughter, Kayla, who is 11 years old, has suffered from severe migraines since she was 3 years old. She complained daily of pain, often came home from school in tears, and was unable to focus on school work. Every night we would go through the same ritual of head massages, ice packs, and whatever pain killer she was on at the time. Nothing ever worked! I have taken her to many doctors and specialists but nothing they have done or prescribed has helped her. After just 2 weeks of mangosteen juice, there were remarkable improvements. Kayla’s headaches were almost completely gone and she was sleeping through the night. Kayla is now doing very well in school, staying focused and she is no longer tired during the day.